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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

In the beginning......

Where to start? New to this type of shit so I will just ramble for a bit. The picture? Oh, that's Rossi - a Rhodesian Ridgeback - or was should I say. The main reason for starting this blog I guess. Named after Valentino Rossi because this bugger could run! I have been following Ditch Shitters Blog for a bit & see that he gets quite a bit off his chest - thought I'd try it out as well. You see, Rossi was 8 years old last week & I had to have him put down on Sunday because of Kidney failure. I mean, shit, Monday last week he was galloping along his favourite track in front of the Landy, doing about 40Kays & Tuesday he was already going downhill bloody fast. Three or four visits to two different vets & much murdering of the credit card & by Saturday night he was basically lost. Staggering, twitching, unable to focus properly & not responding to voice very often. On top of the kidney thing he was also infected by some bastard tick which, according to them that know, had started affecting his brain. Not your normal run-of-the-mill tick that dispenses biliary but some other bugger I have never heard of. Also only coming to the fore on the same day.
Anyway, he was my constant companion, friend & shadow. Couldn't move without him following, even if it was just off to bed or the toilet - sick dog!
So, Life in Africa really sucks at the moment. I am trying to keep myself busy with my other pastime - brewing beer. Tried my first batch of Brew-In-A-Bag & so far, so good. I have done about 8 or 9 Coopers Kits before but this is my first foray into this form of brewing. Should be a mind blower tho' - the ABV looks to be about 7,5%. More about that later.
Must admit, I am feeling a lot better.
Oh yeah, have a look at Ditch's site, the man is quite original. Nature lover, Bird Ringer &, I think, a total Piss-artist! Makes me feel at home! This is where that is, just by the way

1 comment:

  1. Llew, I feel your pain even from afar and have even shed a tear over your loss. I can still see him sitting proudly in the car waiting for his pal to finish his beer....what a beautiful creature, I use that term, as anyone who says he did not have a soul needs to find a new religion!!!!
    Save a few of the home brew, we will be there early October to share them with you....I remember my dad brewing and bottling the stuff and putting them under our floor boards to mature...was like a war zone with them exploding.
    look after yourself "as life is but a twinkle in time!", you were lucky to have shared his.....As a true Welshman, even saying this I have a tear in my eye again.
    Regards your mate Alan!!!!!
