KwaZulu-Natal MEC for co-operative governance and traditional affairs, Nomsa Dube, called on the national department of science and technology to investigate the causes of lightning after seven people died in lightning strikes.
"We will do an investigation and talk to the department of science and technology on what is the cause of the lightning, and if it only happened to the previously disadvantaged as I have never seen any white people being struck by lightning" said Dube. She was visiting Mpumazi in Eshowe where seven people from two families died after being struck by lightning on Sunday. "Scientists from the department could perhaps help us and come up with instruments that could help community members protect themselves against lightning. The department has dealt with floods and fires, but lightning is new to us," said Dube.
Our country is clearly in excellent hands! What else can one say when faced with this?
Mid Jameson / knee jerk response here, Llew:
ReplyDeleteI've heard before, what I took to be rabidly slavering 'Afrikaner' types who would patently never be happy without an AK47, say things like:
" If these stupid, black, bastards got their hands on this country? They'd destroy it in no time! "
I was never comfortable around that sort of talk. Or those kind of people.
Then, I see what Native (Black) Africans are capable of, given their own AK47's, or at least machetes .....
Words fail me .....
But, *That*? Dunno. I wasn't there to Hear *Exactly* what she said. In context. I don't know the editorial leaning of what ever media ye lifted that from.
So, I'm sort of torn between suggesting A/ Maybe someone could point out to her that, perhaps, white people have some form of earthed Lightening Conductors around their places?
Or, B/ ? Gently explain how white deflects light / heat. Where as black absorbs it.
Am I going to go to hell for that ....? :oops:
Hi Ditch. Yeah, I hear what you say - & I must say, staying non-racial is becoming harder by the day! Take our pres, Zuma, just for instance :- Has God knows how many kids, most get some sort of assistance from the state, Is over 70 but still insists on getting married again ffs, has sex with an HIV positive woman & then tells the world that it was ok 'cos he had a shower afterward (the woman charged hhim with rape just by-the-way), his boy that put him in power tells the world that 'she must have enjoyed it 'cos she accepted taxi fare afterwards, he shags his best friends 20-something daughter and all this and more is going on while we sing & dance about how our constitution protects womans rights! Do you guy's hear about the number of children (boys & girls) that are raped, murdered & beaten EVERY day? You asked where I got the news from? Look at this site. Its the SOWETAN newspaper, owned, edited & run by black South Africans & then make your own mind up. Me, racist? I try VERY hard not to be but sometimes it just bubbles to the surface. There are a lot of very upright black people but unfortunately they are brought down by the bastards that have no respect for human life, property or dignity - bugger the colour!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, all the bloody MP's, MEC's etc have bodygaurds (paid for by the tax payer) amazing security around their properties (paid for by the tax payer) police (blue light)convoys wherever they go (paid for by the tax payer) & then they tell us that crime in South Africa is not an issue?
I love how we all rant and moan yet we all just sit there and take it, all the black people rose up and fought back after all the racism... what is happening today is reverse racism... isn't it time we stood up as well? STOP BITCHING... lets change things.
ReplyDeleteI really do'nt like anonymous comments - if you have something to say then put your name to it! How would you suggest we 'stand up and change things'?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deletewhy was my hypothetical solution removed please ?
DeleteAs I said before, your commentss are welcome - whatever they are, but not as "Anonymous"! You want to comment, put your name there!
Deleteoh ok thanks
Delete1) leave a sign saying "free watermelons" and then detonate a bomb or something
2) build a moat around them so they can't get out
3) wait patiently for them to die of aids or something
can't think of anymore at the moment
4) banana > tied to a piece of string > on the edge of a cliff > pull string once interest in banana detected > death
DeleteMighty Thor is angry, this is only the beginning, if they don't stop their burning of the country and the murders, Thor is going to destroy them.