There was a time were I defended the move toward a "free & just society" & our so called "democracy" that opened the doors for all South Africans to work at whatever job they desired or go wherever they pleased without fear of harassment. That was then when Madiba was still a force to be reckoned with within the ANC. That was when the idea of Tutu's "rainbow nation" was still a possibility. From the time of his (Mandelas') departure until now it has been a steady (at times) downward slide from Mbeki to Zuma. We have had top government officials linked to fraud, corruption, theft, rape, murder - you name it. We have had Police Commissioners facing the same charges, some walking away with a slap on the wrist or not really spending any time doing their "time" whilst police units & policemen that have tried to do their duty & uphold the law have been ostracised, arrested on trumped up charges or suspended. ( )
And now this!
Take time to read these two articles & reflect back on what we had. The South African Defence Force was rated one of the most efficient in the world, perhaps just a hair behind the Israeli's. Yes, it was the "Apartheid" force & yes it was involved with some questionable actions within the townships but most of all the entire force Army, Navy & Air force had pride! Some of the regiments hold battle honours going way back - Natal Mounted Rifles, Durban Light Infantry, Transvaal Scottish, Natal Carbineers etc. etc. The list is fairly long. Proud tradition, all of them. Then one reads about a newly appointed OC of one of those being involved in the theft of medals from the units museum & then found wearing them at a parade! My heart goes out to the ex members of those units who now have to read about this! Disgust is not a strong enough word to describe this!
Let's take another area - freedom of movement & something that is apparently written into the Freedom Charter - South Africa belongs to ALL it's people, regardless of race, colour or creed. A case in point - Helen Zille & members of the Democratic Alliance wish to visit nKhandle, the home of Jacob Zuma, as accusations of inappropriate spending of state (public) funds have arrisen. The ANC block the visit by busing in people from wherever & threatening violence, forcing the police (who do NOTHING against the ANC) to stop the DA's visit. Not a word from the ANC or the presidency but an artist paints a satirical picture of Zuma with his bits & pieces exposed (most probably due to his promiscuous behaviour) & immediately the sky falls on everyone's head! Court cases abound & marches organised with printed placards in short order! Zille is then threatened with prosecution for trespass 'cos she never approached the local chief for permission to enter 'Tribal Lands'!
Democracy? Constitution? Freedom Charter? National Pride? Justice? Bollocks!!! I'm afraid that Cry the beloved country has turned into a raucous wail of despair!